Burn Injury Lawyers in California

Helping Victims Move Forward After Catastrophic Injury

Burn injuries leave permanent scarring and result in devastating and long‑lasting ailments. Oftentimes, burn victims need numerous skin grafts to help mend the areas that were harmed. Burn injuries can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. This is because the specialized care and surgeries require extensive medical attention. Many burn victims remain in the hospital for weeks or months before they are able to return home to their families.

We've Successfully Represented Burn Injury Cases:

$5.9 Million - Defective Car Part

$3 Million - Defective Electrical Connector

$1.8 Million - Defective Product

Discover more of our outstanding case results!

How Burn Accidents Happen

There are a variety of different situations that can lead to a burn accident. It is important for individuals to document or recall their specific incident as best as they can if they hope to recover compensation.

Some burn incidents occur because of:

At times, trucks and cars catch fire when they are hit, which cause passengers or drivers to sustain burns. Homeowners or workers on their property may also deal with electrical burns.

No matter what situation caused your burn injuries, make sure to speak with a skilled California burn injury attorney right away to learn more about how we can help.

What Jeffrey S. Pop Can Do For You!

At Jeffrey S. Pop & Associates, we want to help make your life easier and more bearable using creative litigation tactics. We are a relentless firm that is not afraid to take cases to trial when necessary. We are fully committed to providing you with the sound advice you need and we will always walk you through each stage of your case.

We are committed to helping you get a realistic case evaluation. We start each client‑attorney relationship with a free consultation where we will discuss your options.

Contact us today to get more information about burn accidents and how we can help you!

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Have you or a loved one suffered a serious injury? We can review your case for free. We're one of the top law firms in California.

* Any information submitted is confidential.