Common Causes of Burn Injuries

Support from Compassionate Attorneys in California

Burn injuries can be extremely painful injuries. The skin is the largest and one of the most important organs and it works extra hard to protect you from harmful outside bacteria or pathogens. Burns can cause scarring, tissue or nerve damage, loss of limb, and even permanent disfigurement. Some burn injuries require emergency medical attention and long-term care and treatment. Our California burn injury lawyers are ready to fight for the financial support you need.

If you sustained burn injuries, call Jeffrey S. Pop & Associates for immediate legal counsel.

What are most burn injuries caused by?

While many people think of fires and explosions as being the main cause of burn injuries, there are many other elements that can burn the skin. You can even sustain a cold burn by handling frozen items, liquid nitrogen, or dry ice.

Some other examples of common causes of burns include:

  • Chemical burns
  • Scalding from hot liquids or steam
  • Electrical burns
  • Sunburn from extended exposure
  • Thermal burns

Most statistics report that the majority of burn injuries occur in the home, in car or truck accidents, and at the workplace. If another person's negligent behavior or reckless decisions caused your burns, you have grounds for holding that person accountable for financial compensation.

Recovered Millions of Dollars for Burn Injury Victims

Jeffrey S. Pop & Associates, A Law Corporation, has over 30 years of experience representing serious injury victims all throughout California. Our successful legal tactics have allowed us to obtain millions in compensation for our clients suffering from burn injuries.

You must get in touch with our burn lawyers as soon as possible so we can review your case. Our team works fiercely to find innovative and practical solutions for obtaining the maximum possible compensation for our clients.

Reach out to our California burn injury firm to set up a consultation.

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Have you or a loved one suffered a serious injury? We can review your case for free. We're one of the top law firms in California.

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