Auto Fire/Explosion Attorney

Help for Car Fire Victims

Some vehicles have a defect in their fuel delivery system that can cause serious injuries from auto fires. Faulty design can contribute to dangerous explosions, such as when the gas tank is improperly placed. Fires that are the result of poor manufacturing usually take place after an accident. The accident is the catalyst for the explosion. The explosion is precipitated by the fact that the gas tank was precariously built or wrongly placed. Ultimately, people's lives were put at risk or taken due to the shoddy design or manufacture of a car company or its parts. Car manufacturers measure the durability of a fuel tank and fuel system by a basic rule. If the car accident is not so severe that the occupant survives without any major injuries, the fuel system and tank should also have survived the crash without any major problems. Those who have been injured severely by an auto fire should speak with an experienced personal injury attorney immediately.

Auto Fire/Explosion Lawyer

Mr. Pop has been representing clients who have been seriously injured by auto fires since 1977. The firm is known by their reputation of obtaining excellent results even in the most complex of cases. Clients benefit from the extensive background and knowledge utilized by the attorneys at the firm. Car fires can be seriously damaging to a person's life. No matter how severe the emotional and physical injuries suffered by the client, the firm will fight for justice and a settlement, judgment or verdict that reflects the real damages you have suffered. Even if it seems you have lost everything, the legal team at the firm will assess your case and advise you what can be done in your case. They treat every client with respect and personal care. Automakers must follow certain safety regulations, and where this is violated- they should be held liable for the damage they have done.

Contact an Auto Fire Attorney for a free consultation. If your case is accepted for representation, then you do not pay any costs or fees until there is a recovery. If there is no recovery, then there are no costs or fees.

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