Tire Blowout & Separation Cases

Injured in a tire blowout or separation accident?

One of the scariest things that can happen while driving a vehicle is to have a tire blowout or tire separation making it difficult to maintain control. Vans, SUVs, trucks and buses are usually narrow, with a high center of gravity making them susceptible to deadly rollover accidents during a tire failure. Any motor vehicle accident caused by a tire blowout or separation can be catastrophic leading to serious injuries or death. You should immediately contact a traumatic injury attorney if you or someone you know has been injured in an accident caused by tire / blowout separation. Jeffrey S. Pop, an attorney skilled in tire blowout or tire separation injury accidents, can give you experienced legal advice regarding your injury case.

Accident Caused by Tire Blowout & Separation

Two causes of tire failure can result from defective tire design or negligent maintenance. Tire manufacturers are aware that the leading cause of tire malfunction is failure to follow exact procedures during the production stage. There are complicated chemical procedures as well as the placing of the components in the correct order necessary to make a tire that is dependable and durable. One contributing factor in tire failure is an incorrect placement of the belts and overlaying tread. Another cause can be failure of tire components to stick to the rubber.

Injuries received during an accident caused by a tire / blowout separation can be catastrophic such as a head injury or traumatic brain damage, broken bones, major spinal injury leading to paralysis, crushed organs from a rollover, or death. An accident caused by a tire / blowout separation can be proven as the cause of or contributing factor to a vehicle collision resulting in injury or death. It is vital that you seek immediate legal advice from an attorney who knows personal injury laws. A lawyer can conduct witness interviews, examine police accident reports, and gain details of the incident. Do not settle with an insurance company prior to speaking with an attorney. An insurance company normally will minimize your injuries and desire a quick settlement. Depending on the circumstances of the accident and the severity of the injuries, you may have the right to sue the tire manufacturer and tire retailer for a defective product. You may be entitled to sue for damages and recover medical costs, loss of wages, pain and suffering, and property damages. It is important that you contact Jeffrey S. Pop of Jeffrey S. Pop & Associates today for an appointment to review your tire / blowout separation case.

Contact an automotive accident lawyer for a free consultation today. If your case is accepted for representation, then you do not pay any costs or fees until there is a recovery. If there is no recovery, then there are no costs or fees.

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